God Knows: When Your Worries and Whys Need More Than Temporary Relief
By Lisa Whittle
Life is challenging, disappointing, and unpredictable. Too often we go about it white-knuckling the steering wheel, drifting through the present without being mindfully present, or breezily floating wherever the wind may bring us. It’s not until we stumble upon roadblocks, failure, or misfortune, can’t seem to get ahead or have things go our way despite how much effort we contribute, that we realize how very little power we possess to control a desired outcome.
We can do all the things and still fall short. We can feel all the feels and still feel empty or alone. We can study, acquire knowledge, and think we know everything there is to know about everything and still be clueless, confused, or uninformed.
Hopeless. Desperate. Afraid.
“There is so much we simply cannot know or see. Only God truly knows all.”
Backcover copy, God Knows
God Knows: When Your Worries and Whys Need More Than Temporary Relief by Lisa Whittle is a book that offers comfort, encouragement, and hope to women who are experiencing pain, worry, fatigue, disappointment, or fear. Through biblical instruction, common conviction, and personal reflection, readers will be assured that God’s omniscience proves His faithfulness and sovereignty in the past, present, and future. If only we will surrender our trust to Him.
There is much uncertainty in the world rather than trust in the certain One who made it. There are elements of the world’s unknown that attempt to occupy space in our minds and influence how we live our lives. It’s part of our human nature to seek control and understand why things are the way they are. Despite wanting to rest in the comfort, knowledge, and security of our heavenly Father, the Alpha and the Omega, we restrict ourselves from receiving the peace we desire because of our sinful desires. In our fallen state, we are doubters, impatient, selfish, or want to be like God or the god of our life. We are doers, fixers, and strivers wanting to sit in the driver’s seat instead of relying on the One who sees the big picture, knows the destination, and can navigate the way.
“We want to know when we don’t understand. We want to control when things are not controllable. We struggle with reliance. We want to do God’s job.”
God Knows, pg. XIII
God is the only One who knows everything about everything. In God Knows, the author will explain why while challenging the reader to confront the reasons behind their need for control or lack of trust in the All-Mighty God.
Throughout the book, readers will learn the unlimited capabilities and capacity of God’s omniscience. Such as:
- God knows you need relief for the pain, grief, fear, resentment, loneliness, disappointment, skeptism, etc. you are experiencing
- God knows the dreams of your heart
- God knows the justification you seek
- God knows your secret struggles despite your best attempts to hide or ignore them
- God knows your insufficiencies
- God knows your history
- God knows your future
- God knows what you need to release in order to receive relief
I’m currently in a season where I can only see what is directly in front of me. I’ve tried to stick my neck out as far as it can go, but my vantage point is limited and my perspective remains skewed. It’s no coincidence that the opportunity to review God Knows came at a time in my life when I needed to be reminded of this book’s message the most – God sees, God hears, and God knows. He has never left His seat on the throne. He has never thrown in the towel or left me to fend for myself. Rather, He is here and desiring for me to draw closer to Him, to rest in His sovereignty, and to surrender my wills over to His way.
God Knows is a book I have found to be valuable in helping me remove the focus, stress, and strain off myself and my human deficiencies while pointing me back to the sufficient omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent God. Likewise, readers of God Knows will benefit from the author’s scriptural references and instructional context that tackles themes of doubt, insecurities, people-pleasing, pride, trust, comparison and jealously, perfectionism, guilt and shame, fear, failure and rejection, disappointment and frustration, and other elements that cause discomfort during periods of uncertainty or a need to possess control.
There are many obstacles that can hold us back from moving forward in faith and fully surrendering control to the only One who owns it. Wherever you may find yourself in your spiritual walk of life, God Knows can assist you in uncovering the burdens you bury or confronting the weight you carry.
By letting go and letting God, you can discover a renewed hope, newfound confidence, and lasting relief in the reliability of the faithful Father who knows the depths of your heart and loves you the same.
To purchase a copy of God Knows, click here!
*I received this book from FrontGate Media in exchange for promotion and my honest review.