“You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. you are no longer your own. God paid a great price for you. so use your body to honor God.”

1 corinthians 6:19-20 (cev)

It can think, feel, speak and move, amongst so many other wonderous things. It is the vessel that allows a person to experience life on this planet. It is a gift to be treasured and one that should never be taken for granted.

God cares about the health of His people – mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. It is important to God that humans take care of their physical bodies as well as their spiritual souls. Both are needed and work together to fulfill God’s plans and purposes.

By intentionally pursuing total body wellness and spiritual wholeness, you can develop the endurance needed to not just survive in this world but thrive outside of it.

the body is an incredible wonder.

This is not new news, but, is it news you use?

It should be – God’s got big plans for you, friend! Ephesians 2:10 and Philippians 1:6 are proof!

I’m here to support your total body health and wellness so you will be able to serve as the Lord’s hands and feet!

Alright, enough putzing around. If we want to do God’s work, it’s time to get moving!

Physical activity offers a plethora of benefits that support total body wellness.

let's move

"Whether you eat or drink, live your life in a way that glorifies and honors God.” 

1 Corinthians 10:31 (TPT) 

Every human needs food and water to survive, but just like tangible food, humans need spiritual food as well to fill the emptiness of life in a broken world (Romans 3:23-26, Romans 8:18-25).

Jesus is the Bread of Life (John 6:35, 51) and the Living Water. He is able to satisfy any spiritual hunger and quench any thirst (John 4:10-14, John 7:37-39). It’s interesting, though, that while Jesus was on Earth, He spent a good portion of His ministry eating and communing with people. In fact, His very first miracle occurred at a wedding when He turned water into wine (John 2:1-11)! Food was how Jesus showed love and related to those different than Him. By going into homes and spending time with the least of these, Jesus lived out a message that fulfilled any craving for something more.

Food and drink are an absolute delight in this world – they bring people together, trigger memories, encourage gatherings and conversation, and ignite feelings of joy, comfort, gratitude, and celebration. We all need to eat and sharing a meal together allows opportunity for people to do life with one another.

Life is a beautiful gift, friend! Let’s honor and celebrate it! Make room at the table as you prepare your heart and your home to receive the bounty available

Food is more than sustenance for the body. 

it is nourishment for the soul. 


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