I can’t believe 2024 is at its end. This year flew by for me, more so than other years, likely because I’m getting older, and my kids’ schedules are getting busier. Regrettably, I never took the time to produce new content for you or even share the little wonders of experiencing God’s goodness and grace amidst mundane moments and marvelous memories that made 2024 a beautiful year to remember.
While there may be little publicly posted proof of God’s work in my life in 2024, that doesn’t mean nothing worth documenting occurred. In fact, 2024 was a year that perfectly reflected my word of focus, glory, even though it seemed like an odd word the Spirit was leading me to during the early days of January.
On the complete opposite end of the spectrum from 2023, 2024 was a year of praising the Lord and giving all glory to Him – in the big, small, simple, extreme, highs, lows, wins, and yes, losses, too. It was a year where I had to remove myself mentally (and sometimes even emotionally) from a situation in order to return to the root of the cause [and foot of the cross], pause, and look up.
God is in control.
There’s a reason for this.
There’s a purpose in this.
It’s not His plan.
The timing’s not now.
I’m not her (or for my child – They are not them…)
This is temporary earthly victory (or defeat). I’m living for the eternal.
He has something different for me/us/them…and it’s far better/greater/more perfect than anything I/we/they could ever experience right now, in this moment.
These are just a handful of the many thoughts that calmed my mind, centered my heart, and steadied my soul. Ultimately, it was these intentional pauses that kept my focus on the All-Mighty and His Kingdom.
Seeking glory throughout 2024 led me to pursue 3 things:
- Self-Denial: I am dependent on Christ. In my flesh, I am weak but through His Spirit I am strong. Apart from Him, I am Nothing. (John 15:5, 2 Corinthians 12:10)
- God’s holiness, sovereignty, and perfection: The One who dwells above is greater than all and I am humbled by His goodness, mercy, and grace. I am unworthy of His love, presence, provision, and protection. Still, He offers Himself to me through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1:4-6)
- Gratitude: In all things, in all circumstances, never cease giving all glory, honor, and praise to the Lord our God. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
While I’m basking in the joy of the present and reflecting on the year behind us, I feel inadequate and undeserving of this life God has gifted me. I know there will be trials, peaks, valleys, and perhaps roadblocks that will frustrate me or holes that I may stumble into in the future because I have experienced them before, and I will again because our world is broken, and I am imperfect. Even so, I choose to trust in the Lord and the plan He has paved for my life.
God’s glory matters more than our happiness, pleasure, comfort, or any other temporary satisfactions experienced on earth. However, I believe it is His glory that fills us with joy, peace, and contentment that is ever lasting and eternal. There is no better place to be than in the center of God’s will.
Whether you wish to skip ahead to 2025 or desire for 2024 to linger just a while longer, I pray you will seek God’s goodness, grace, and glory all the days you are granted life in this world. Cheers to another year and I wish you a blessed start to 2025!