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In this second installment of my Culture Matters: Kids & Tech series, I will outline my family’s tech policy along with detailing each family member’s individual tech use and ownership. Additionally, I will offer age-appropriate rules and internet safety guidelines for your family’s personal consideration.  If you have any rules, recommendations or resource referrals that I have not mentioned […]

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I had my first child in 2010 and became a proud owner of my first smartphone in 2011. Like most people, I was entranced by the technology, convenience and wow-ness of my first iPhone, especially since my previous phone had been a Motorola Razr with pixelated photo capability and Stone Age texting.  As a young […]

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Fresh ears of corn are one of my (many) favorite farmers’ market finds during the summer and fall months. Another one of my favorite things during this time of the year is to attend picnics and outdoor concerts.  This recipe was inspired by a Whole Foods’ salad* I would bring to summer picnics, outdoor concerts […]

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Gen Z may be growing up in a world that promotes body positivity and inclusivity, but that doesn’t mean this generation is exempt from experiencing a negative view of their body.  Gen Z is the first generation to be raised with accessible technology and the ease, convenience and connectivity that comes along with it. Yet, […]

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Growing up, my family would travel out to West Michigan’s countryside each summer to visit a U-pick blueberry farm. I always loved munching on blueberries and competing with my siblings to see who could pick the most. It wasn’t until I was a grown adult that I learned my family’s annual tradition was actually rooted […]

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Five years ago, I was tempted to get plastic surgery. At the time, I had recently given birth to my third child, had reached the ripe age of thirty, and had relocated from Grand Rapids, MI to Scottsdale, AZ.  I always assumed I’d get some type of “work” done and I like to think I’ve […]


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