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What would it look like if we actually lived out what we believe? Specifically, if we loved unconditionally and with abandon? If we removed the barriers of our heart so we were blind to our differences, the colors of our sin, and the depths of our personal struggles?  What if we lived like we are loved?  […]

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Finding Beautiful – Discovering Authentic Beauty Around the World By Rebecca Friedlander The quest for beauty and the fountain of youth is an age-old expedition that often yields temporary results. The definition of what is beautiful is repeatedly defined by culture’s influence and outward appearance. Even the phrase “beauty shines from within” is fleetly for […]

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How Joyful People Think: 8 Ways of Thinking That Lead to a Better Life By Jamie Rasmussen The pursuit of happiness… In this world, it seems like everyone is always on the hunt to find “happy.” We hear, Are you happy? Does this make you happy? Oh, I’m so just happy! Everybody wants to be happy but […]

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Emptied: Experiencing the Fullness of a Poured-Out Marriage By Wynter and Jonathan Pitts I’ve been married to my best friend for almost 14 years now and while marriage certainly hasn’t been a cake walk, ours has been what I’d describe as an adventure of navigating two unique individuals towards one heck of a partnership. Seriously. […]

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I am an introvert. If you physically do life with me, you are probably thinking, “What? Nah.” Seriously, though. My personality type is extremely introverted and it has held me back from my true potential. I spent a good thirty years of my life being plagued by my introvertedness (Is that a word? It should […]

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God-Confident Kids: Helping your child find true purpose, passion and peace By Cyndie Claypool de Neve Kids today have a tough life to navigate. News and information are readily accessible and instant connection to friends, family, acquaintances and anyone in the world is as easy as a text, email, call, or video chat, all available […]


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