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Loving My Actual Neighbor: 7 Practices to Treasure the People Right in Front of You By Alexandra Kuykendall Regardless if you consider yourself a follower of Christ or not, you most likely are familiar with the concept (Jesus’ command) of loving your neighbor as yourself. While loving your neighbor appears to be packaged as simple […]

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You’ve lost all hope. You feel like life as you know it is over. You can’t imagine things ever getting better or returning back to “normal.” So much damage has been done. Too much pain caused. Too many words spewed and emotions dumped out. You feel empty inside with no energy or desire to push […]

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Marriage that Works: God’s Way of Becoming Spiritual Soul Mates, Best Friends, and Passionate Lovers By Chip Ingram Nearly 12 years ago I was gifted with the ultimate do-over. On June 30, 2007, I was joined together in marriage with my soul mate. I had given my life over to Christ just a few months […]

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It happens like a slow fade, transitioning from the brightness of light into the darkness of night. I feel so alone. I’m scared. Fear of the unknown lurks in every corner. Confused…I’m unsure of what’s to come. I don’t know when, or even if, the light will ever return. I have faith that it will, […]

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Winning The Heart of Your Child: 9 Keys to Building a Positive Lifelong Relationship with Your Kids  By Mike Berry As a mom of five children, I have to confess – I have no idea what I am doing. Quite often I feel like I am unintentionally messing up my children in some way, shape […]

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I could eat Mexican food nearly every day of the week. Sure, it’s a part of my heritage but honestly, I love the variety and diversity of options available within Mexican cuisine as well as the flexibility to turn authentic dishes into healthy, modern alternatives.  One of my go-to favorites in Mexican cuisine is enchiladas. […]


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