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Each year since 2017 I have chosen, with prayerful consideration, to focus on the biblical definition and application of a specific word. In 2022, I was challenged to seek humility.  I entered the year directing my heart towards honesty, vulnerability, and transparency while aiming to:  To learn more about my intentions and motivations for seeking humility, […]

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Like most Americans, I’m fond of the Christmas season. The lights, the decorations, the music, the movies, the food and drinks, sparkly and tacky clothes, extra time spent with friends and family members, and all the other fun, festive, and celebratory activities, traditions, and social gatherings that are enjoyed throughout Christmas and New Year’s.  Whether […]

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I felt my heart breaking in a bazillion pieces. Each shard of glass that fell pricked my soul, like tiny slivers stuck in one’s foot after stepping on a piece of rough wood. I couldn’t get them out, though I didn’t want to. Each little fragment cut me in a different way, reminding me there […]

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I interrupt your holiday festivities to bring you this message… …it is time for a break before the seasons break you. Friend, it is time for a time out, a refreshment of a little coffee and a whole lotta Jesus before your holidays become a holidaze. I’m not talking literal coffee, although, that would be […]

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Faith, like love, can be very relative, particularly in the 21st century.  You can have faith that a person will do what they promised. Faith in a certain outcome. Faith for a specific event, situation or circumstance. Or even faith that the weather will turn out as forecasted so you are able to enjoy your tropical vacation.  […]

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“All you must do to drift away is nothing.” – Christine Caine, How Did I Get Here? You can attempt to remain in one place but without any sort of root, foundation or anchor you’ll find yourself bending, swaying, leaning or gradually shifting. Vulnerability, busyness, laziness, ignorance, and distraction can make you blind to the movement […]

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