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“All you must do to drift away is nothing.” – Christine Caine, How Did I Get Here? You can attempt to remain in one place but without any sort of root, foundation or anchor you’ll find yourself bending, swaying, leaning or gradually shifting. Vulnerability, busyness, laziness, ignorance, and distraction can make you blind to the movement […]

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What a great time to be a Christian! Wait…what?! Yeah. It is a fan-flipping-tastic time to be a follower of the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). You don’t think so? Okay, I can see where you may feel discouraged, anxious, or fearful right now. We’re approaching a year of a global health […]

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Looking for content that fills the body while nourishing the soul? Well friend, you’ve come to the right place! 

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