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The End of Gender: Debunking the Myths About Sex and Identity in Our Society By Dr. Debra Soh I studied journalism in college and briefly worked as a news reporter in both television and print before leaving the field due to sexual harassment. I preface with that because I am educated and trained to be […]

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God and the Transgender Debate: What Does the Bible Actually Say About Gender Identity By Andrew T. Walker My brother came out to me in the summer of 2011. Five years later, during the summer of 2016, he told me he was planning to focus his profession from actor/stand-up comedian to comedian drag queen/podcast host. […]

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A Different Kind of Love Story: How God’s Love for You Helps You Love Yourself By Landra Young Hughes The voices in our head are realer and more convincing than we think. Whether they are heard as whispers or shouts, they can tell us both lies and truth and are hard to ignore. If you’re […]

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Finding Beautiful – Discovering Authentic Beauty Around the World By Rebecca Friedlander The quest for beauty and the fountain of youth is an age-old expedition that often yields temporary results. The definition of what is beautiful is repeatedly defined by culture’s influence and outward appearance. Even the phrase “beauty shines from within” is fleetly for […]

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True You: Letting Go of Your False Self to Uncover the Person God Created By Michelle DeRusha I know I am not the only one who struggles with identity, worth and purpose. I personally tend to go in spurts (which always coincides to my obedience or complacency in studying God’s word) – I will either […]

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Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions About Life & Sexuality By Nancy Pearcey As a millennial woman with a gay brother, I found Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions About Life & Sexuality to be a fascinating read. I am an outspoken, unapologetic, conservative Christian today, but I wasn’t always that way. In fact, I spent my […]

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