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A Practical Guide to Culture: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today’s World By John Stonestreet and Brett Kunkle Christians are like salmon in the ocean, surrounded by an environment they cannot control but need for existence. Both begin their lives growing and developing in a safe and secure place (for Christians, that is within a […]

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Faithfully Different: Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture By Natasha Crain There is no neutral worldview. Rather, the lens in which every human views the world is shaped and refined by one’s moral, philosophical, and scientific beliefs as well as one’s personal attitudes, values, and experiences. Everyone has a worldview that they use to […]

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Who Are You Following? Pursuing Jesus in a Social Media Obsessed World By Sadie Robertson Huff I had my share of stumbles, falls, and detours during my teen and young adult years.  Even though I was heavily influenced by culture (and what I saw on TV and in movies, heard within the music I listened […]


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