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A Practical Guide to Culture: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today’s World By John Stonestreet and Brett Kunkle Christians are like salmon in the ocean, surrounded by an environment they cannot control but need for existence. Both begin their lives growing and developing in a safe and secure place (for Christians, that is within a […]

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A new year is officially here and I’m welcoming it with open arms and an open heart ready to receive whatever God has in store! I look forward to starting a new year and reflecting on what was as I consider what may be. I see January 1st as an opportunity to intentionally set my sights Above while surrendering to […]

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I believe the content that fills our minds and occupies our time shapes the lives we live and the people we become, very much like the adage, “you are what you eat.” This is the meat that feeds the ministry I’ve felt called to pursue and is why I intentionally prioritize my role as both […]

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Live Your Truth and Other Lies: Exposing Popular Deceptions That Make Us Anxious, Exhausted, and Self-Obsessed By Alisa Childers So much of what we’re experiencing in our culture today is derived from the popular lie, live your truth. This lie has been masquerading in the realm of self-help for decades, doling out promises of peace, freedom, […]

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Oneness Embraced: Reconciliation, The Kingdom, & How We Are Stronger Together  By Tony Evans  I first encountered Dr. Tony Evans while participating in a small group study of his Raising Kingdom Kids curriculum years ago. His energy was contagious while his passion for equipping families for lifelong discipleship and spiritual accountability was inspiring. But what captivated me […]

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As the biblical worldview is increasingly diminishing, the pressure to conform to culture is rapidly growing and strengthening in intensity. What was once widely accepted as truth and standard (such as biological sex and gender and marriage between one man and one woman) is now seen to be morally relative and comparative to how one […]


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