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Gen Z may be growing up in a world that promotes body positivity and inclusivity, but that doesn’t mean this generation is exempt from experiencing a negative view of their body. Gen Z is the first generation to be raised with accessible technology and the ease, convenience and connectivity that comes along with it. Yet, […]
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Five years ago, I was tempted to get plastic surgery. At the time, I had recently given birth to my third child, had reached the ripe age of thirty, and had relocated from Grand Rapids, MI to Scottsdale, AZ. I always assumed I’d get some type of “work” done and I like to think I’ve […]
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100 years of the female body “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of our God endures forever.” – Isaiah 40:8 It’s interesting how quickly things change in this world – societal status, ethics and morality, the meaning of words, fashion trends, beauty standards, and body norms, amongst many other cultural fads. Society […]
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I technically had an eating disorder. I say, “technically,” because I knew I wasn’t fat and didn’t need to lose weight. I never once looked in the mirror and had a distorted view of myself. I physically saw myself for what I was. I knew I was thin and consciously chose to make myself dangerously […]
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In an effort to provide a very basic understanding and an “elementary” introduction to the discussion of gender identity, the science behind it, how Christians should respond, and what the Bible actually says, I decided to create a “catch all” resource per your review and consideration. It is my hope that this article will serve as a […]
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As followers of Christ, we know we are to love our neighbors like we love our self (Matthew 22:39), but this is easier said than done. Especially in a nation with polarizing opinions, beliefs and values, hate is typically the response of choice even though love and acceptance are desired by most. It’s challenging, I […]