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Deep down, I want more from the days of the present, but I heard a whisper the other day reminding me the present is a present. Sure, things don’t make sense right now but did they ever really? I’m frustrated in this season and I want to return to the normal chaos of life, but right now, today, […]

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I interrupt your holiday festivities to bring you this message… …it is time for a break before the seasons break you. Friend, it is time for a time out, a refreshment of a little coffee and a whole lotta Jesus before your holidays become a holidaze. I’m not talking literal coffee, although, that would be […]

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My eldest child developed an interest in gardening this year. With the help of my dad (her grandfather) and her dad (my husband), she cultivated a pretty impressive home garden with a bounty our whole family was able to enjoy throughout the summer and early into the fall.  The experience taught my daughter that intentionality […]

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Faith, like love, can be very relative, particularly in the 21st century.  You can have faith that a person will do what they promised. Faith in a certain outcome. Faith for a specific event, situation or circumstance. Or even faith that the weather will turn out as forecasted so you are able to enjoy your tropical vacation.  […]

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There are some things in life you just can’t explain or wrap your head around.  Like, medical miracles.  Or intuition protecting from you from harmful people or dangerous situations.  Relationships being restored.  Scattered bits of brokenness getting pieced back together.  Redeeming love healing or transforming human hearts.  Words that cloud a rational mind yet also […]

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“All you must do to drift away is nothing.” – Christine Caine, How Did I Get Here? You can attempt to remain in one place but without any sort of root, foundation or anchor you’ll find yourself bending, swaying, leaning or gradually shifting. Vulnerability, busyness, laziness, ignorance, and distraction can make you blind to the movement […]


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