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No one really tells you exactly how hard being a mom is. You hear about the joys of motherhood, the beauty of being pregnant, and the gift of childbirth. You can read countless books or have numerous conversations about pregnancy, how to handle baby’s first year, parenting advice, and more, but no book or friendly […]

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As followers of Christ, we know we are to love our neighbors like we love our self (Matthew 22:39), but this is easier said than done. Especially in a nation with polarizing opinions, beliefs and values, hate is typically the response of choice even though love and acceptance are desired by most.  It’s challenging, I […]

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The Better Mom: Growing In Grace Between Perfection and the Mess Ruth Schwenk Even though I’ve been a parent for 11 years now, I’ll be the first to admit that I still have no idea what I’m doing. Sure, I feel like I’ve learned how to multitask, change a diaper within seconds and balance a […]

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You know the person – he or she is always positive, always encouraging, & forever persistent. There is an air of something about them that surrounds their spirit wherever they go. Initially, you couldn’t put your finger on what it was that made he or she stand out and make you feel seen, heard and […]

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“How many times have I asked you to do ___ and you still keep disobeying me?” As a mom of five, I find myself saying this (or something close to this) more times than I’d care to count. On some days, I feel like no one is listening and my request is on repeat. Like today. It […]


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