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As a foodie, one of my favorite things about the summer months is preparing meals with the freshest fare found at my local farmer’s market or grown from my daughter’s garden. In my opinion, there is no better way to savor the flavors of the season than by eating food that makes me feel as […]

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Hands down, basil is my favorite herb. I love the versatility of basil – it instantly freshens up any salad, soup, or pasta, it can elevate a homemade sauce, it pairs well with cheese or fruit, and can add depth and revitalization to a summery beverage. This summer my family’s garden yielded a bounty of […]

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This is a Fox family staple! I make this “house” dressing nearly every week – it is quick, easy, and great tossed with a simple salad or drizzled upon grilled chicken breast.  Herb Vinaigrette  Prep Time: <5 min Makes: about 8oz Ingredients: 2/3 cup EVOO 1/3 red wine vinegar 2-3 fat cloves of garlic 1 […]


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