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My family celebrates many birthdays in January, including my first-born’s as well as my own and my youngest child’s. January 2020 was extra special because my eldest, Gabriella, turned 10 years old while my fifth child made her appearance as well! (Yes, I literally spent the entire decade of 2010-2020 being pregnant and raising children!) […]

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The gift of hospitality was put on hold during the Covid-19 pandemic. While my family has certainly enjoyed the fruits of my hospitable heart, the pandemic made me feel like something was missing because I was unable to do what brings me so much joy. I had to get creative during the pandemic but at […]

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Make Their Day: 101 Simple, Powerful Ways to Love Others Well By Karen Ehman 2020 was a year of a lot of hate and negativity but not much love, positivity or action. If you’re looking to break that mold by shining some light, sharing some love, and sprinkling kindness everywhere you go but have no […]


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