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Another Gospel? A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity By Alisa Childers I wasn’t familiar with Alisa Childers until she was a guest on Allie Beth Stuckey’s podcast, Relatable. Upon listening to her interview and learning a bit of her story, I started listening to her podcast, The Alisa Childers Podcast.  Alisa Childers is […]

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A Different Kind of Love Story: How God’s Love for You Helps You Love Yourself By Landra Young Hughes The voices in our head are realer and more convincing than we think. Whether they are heard as whispers or shouts, they can tell us both lies and truth and are hard to ignore. If you’re […]

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The great unknown is a scary place. It’s overwhelming, intimidating and uncomfortable. The possibilities of “if,” “when,” “why,” and “how” linger throughout. It’s often thick with a blanket of uncertainty; a fog that covers the space and hinders any opportunity to see what’s on the other side. The unknown can look like an open field […]


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