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Like most Americans, I’m fond of the Christmas season. The lights, the decorations, the music, the movies, the food and drinks, sparkly and tacky clothes, extra time spent with friends and family members, and all the other fun, festive, and celebratory activities, traditions, and social gatherings that are enjoyed throughout Christmas and New Year’s.  Whether […]

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Insecurity is the public enemy of love. It will do whatever it takes to rob us of God’s goodness and steal any joy that enters our lives. Paul spoke candidly about the importance of love in 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 when he said it is possible to have and do everything good, right and honorable in […]

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Faith, like love, can be very relative, particularly in the 21st century.  You can have faith that a person will do what they promised. Faith in a certain outcome. Faith for a specific event, situation or circumstance. Or even faith that the weather will turn out as forecasted so you are able to enjoy your tropical vacation.  […]

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Finding Love in Mountain View I’m always looking for movies and television shows that are “family-friendly” or age-appropriate to watch with my older daughters. It can be rather challenging, to say the least. One source that rarely disappoints, however, is the Hallmark network. My older daughters and I started to bond over Hallmark’s seasonal movies […]

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We often hear (or see) the phrase, love is love, throughout modern culture. Especially throughout the month of June – Pride month. I’ve seen bumper stickers, t-shirts, advertisements, heck, even product labels on candles and hand soaps at Bath & Body Works, that display these three short words.  The truth is – these simple, little words […]

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As followers of Christ, we know we are to love our neighbors like we love our self (Matthew 22:39), but this is easier said than done. Especially in a nation with polarizing opinions, beliefs and values, hate is typically the response of choice even though love and acceptance are desired by most.  It’s challenging, I […]


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