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2021 was my year of seeking obedience.  I entered the year anticipating it would be a wild ride of more of the same (or even crazier nonsense) that was experienced in 2020. There were also five things I felt prompted to pursue:  1.) Love God and love people  2.) Know God is good even when life […]

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It’s an unsettling feeling, when you feel God calling you out of your comfort zone so He can wrap you in the comfort of His love and protection. In the pit of your stomach you know what you’re feeling is from God, it has to be, especially when what you’re experiencing is something you never […]

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Saying “yes” to God without knowing His agenda or examining His itinerary exhibits true trust and obedience. That little word, “yes,” can lead to big opportunities and beautiful blessings, but it doesn’t save you from experiencing trials and tribulation, lingering anxiety, or deep frustration. Obedience is submitting to God’s authority while trusting in His Word. […]


© christen fox | Designed by Rachael Earl
