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Talking With Your Kids About Jesus: 30 Conversations Every Christian Parent Must Have By Natasha Crain Like many generations before us, following Christ is a counter-cultural way to live in a deeply fallen world. From the people we interact with to secular music, television, movies, social media, magazines, news reports, and more, a Christian’s beliefs […]

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Winning The Heart of Your Child: 9 Keys to Building a Positive Lifelong Relationship with Your Kids  By Mike Berry As a mom of five children, I have to confess – I have no idea what I am doing. Quite often I feel like I am unintentionally messing up my children in some way, shape […]

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Talking With Your Kids About God: 30 Conversations Every Christian Parent Must Have By Natasha Crain “Do you care about raising your kids in the Christian faith? Are you afraid that the culture might capture their hearts and minds? If these are concerns you have, as I do, then this book is for you.” Taken from […]

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Faith Forward Family Devotional By Ruth and Patrick Schwenk As my children get older, I am constantly seeking ways to connect and apply the Gospel to our everyday living and interactions. Our church does a fantastic job of supplying monthly devotional material that is both age appropriate and relatable to the children’s ministry’s monthly theme. […]

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Love Her Well: 10 Ways to Find Joy and Connection with Your Teenage Daughter By Kari Kampakis Like most little girls, I loved playing with dolls and pretending to be a mommy. I enjoyed dressing up Barbies and my American Girl doll, changing diapers and bottle-feeding my baby dolls, carrying dolls on my hip and […]

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Faith for Exiles: 5 Ways for a New Generation to Follow Jesus in Digital Babylon By David Kinnaman and Mark Matlock Technology is both a blessing and a curse. There. I said it. I’ve had a love/hate relationship with technology my entire life, but a few years ago our relationship took a turn for the […]


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