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Each year since 2017 I have chosen, with prayerful consideration, to focus on the biblical definition and application of a specific word. In 2022, I was challenged to seek humility.  I entered the year directing my heart towards honesty, vulnerability, and transparency while aiming to:  To learn more about my intentions and motivations for seeking humility, […]

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Live Your Truth and Other Lies: Exposing Popular Deceptions That Make Us Anxious, Exhausted, and Self-Obsessed By Alisa Childers So much of what we’re experiencing in our culture today is derived from the popular lie, live your truth. This lie has been masquerading in the realm of self-help for decades, doling out promises of peace, freedom, […]

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You’re Not Enough (and that’s okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love By Allie Beth Stuckey Allie Beth Stuckey’s Relatable podcast has been one of favorite, never-miss-an episode podcasts for years which is why I’m surprised it took me so long to read her book, You’re Not Enough (and that’s okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love. I […]

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Humility – A concept complex in its application and likely the most counter-cultural attribute to attain throughout one’s life.  I spent the last year seeking biblical obedience and concluded the year by “saying no” to some opportunities I dreamed of experiencing over the last decade. Truthfully, the last couple of months were a conflicting and […]

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Gen Z may be growing up in a world that promotes body positivity and inclusivity, but that doesn’t mean this generation is exempt from experiencing a negative view of their body.  Gen Z is the first generation to be raised with accessible technology and the ease, convenience and connectivity that comes along with it. Yet, […]

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I am an introvert. If you physically do life with me, you are probably thinking, “What? Nah.” Seriously, though. My personality type is extremely introverted and it has held me back from my true potential. I spent a good thirty years of my life being plagued by my introvertedness (Is that a word? It should […]


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