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Complacency and mediocrity. Two words that have no place in the vocabulary of a perfectionist.  Perfectionists, like myself, are strivers. We’re always working towards something bigger, better, stronger, more valuable, relevant, or higher achieving. We are not lazy people, but ambitious people, forgoing comfort or stillness to pursue busyness and productivity for the reward of […]

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I interrupt your holiday festivities to bring you this message… …it is time for a break before the seasons break you. Friend, it is time for a time out, a refreshment of a little coffee and a whole lotta Jesus before your holidays become a holidaze. I’m not talking literal coffee, although, that would be […]

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Mastering the art of intentionality is truly a virtue to attain. It creates structure, routine, and order in one’s life while establishing purpose and outlining priorities. But how does a person pursue being intentional in their life when their life has all of a sudden become very unintentional?   I don’t think anyone fully anticipated […]


© christen fox | Designed by Rachael Earl
