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Complacency and mediocrity. Two words that have no place in the vocabulary of a perfectionist.  Perfectionists, like myself, are strivers. We’re always working towards something bigger, better, stronger, more valuable, relevant, or higher achieving. We are not lazy people, but ambitious people, forgoing comfort or stillness to pursue busyness and productivity for the reward of […]

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God So Close: Experience a Life Awakened to His Spirit By Becky Thompson The Holy Spirit has always been a contentious character in the Christian faith and the understanding of the diversity and unity of the triune God. Christians (and even some agnostics) can get on board with God the Father or God the Creator […]

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If you’ve been following me for a while now, then you know I’m a bookworm and absolutely love to read!  When I started partnering with publishers in mid-2017 and added book reviews to my old blog, Seeking Grace & Gratitude, it was my hope to critique and introduce books my audience would be interested in or […]


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