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The great unknown is a scary place. It’s overwhelming, intimidating and uncomfortable. The possibilities of “if,” “when,” “why,” and “how” linger throughout. It’s often thick with a blanket of uncertainty; a fog that covers the space and hinders any opportunity to see what’s on the other side. The unknown can look like an open field […]

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It’s an unsettling feeling, when you feel God calling you out of your comfort zone so He can wrap you in the comfort of His love and protection. In the pit of your stomach you know what you’re feeling is from God, it has to be, especially when what you’re experiencing is something you never […]

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It came on full force. Unexpected, yet anticipated. Like a tidal wave developing from afar, you think you have time to prepare for what is about to come, but choose to stay put instead. Lying on the comfort of your own beach blanket, you don’t have a care in the world because life is good. […]

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You’ve lost all hope. You feel like life as you know it is over. You can’t imagine things ever getting better or returning back to “normal.” So much damage has been done. Too much pain caused. Too many words spewed and emotions dumped out. You feel empty inside with no energy or desire to push […]

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I anticipated this moment for months. Filled to the brim with a healthy blend of nerves and excitement, I was uncertain of what lied ahead but knew it was going to be good. I had complete confidence because of my faith in God and the wisdom I soaked up during my sanctification in the desert. […]

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For as long as I can remember, I was looking for a way out. A way to escape, an opportunity to explore, a chance to be free. What was I trying to escape from? What did I want to explore? Why did I feel like I was locked and bound? What made me want to […]


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