A new decade, a fresh start.
Hope. Opportunity. Promise.
Anything is possible when you fearlessly hand over your intentions and restrictions and instead trust in the Lord’s purposes for your life.
I sense the winds of change looming near and with them brings new life and new light into what is sullen or dimmed out.
It’s full of positivity and excitement, but it’s also a bit scary, too. It always is when you step into the unknown.
That is exactly how I feel as I enter the year 2020, my year of seeking boldness. This word came on my heart months prior and as an introvert, it terrifies me to my core. I never once have considered myself to be someone who is bold. Quite contrary. Yet, the signs were very clear and I couldn’t seem to escape them.
I believe I am supposed to spend 2020 learning to continuously die to my self in order to discover further alignment with my God-ordained assignment.
Like I said, it terrifies me to my core, but if I’m being totally honest, I have intentionally kept myself restrained for much too long.
Tied up and tethered, I held myself back for fear of what could happen if I actually lived out the freedom and faith I have in Christ and the Truth I so tightly hold onto. I’ve hibernated in my comfort zone ever since I found my life at the cross 13+ years ago. As a baby Christian and then a relatively new Christian, I easily fell onto the crutch of not feeling wise enough or spiritually strong enough or Bible-savvy enough. Even after my 8th year in, when life was its most challenging and my faith was tested and later persevered, I still found myself not fully confident enough in pursuing the more God has for me.
After all I have been through, and believe me, the last decade was a lot, I trust God is not done with me yet, but I am afraid of the what He hasn’t done yet.
How’s that for some real, honest, vulnerable truth?!
It’s true, though. As much as I want the more God has planned for me, I am scared of what more I will endure. But I’m not going to live that way anymore. Not today, Satan. Not today, tomorrow, this decade or whatever days I am gifted life on this planet.
I am ready to be released into the unknown and boldly walk out my faith so fiercely that the ground below me will send chilling threats down to hell below.
Fear can and will paralyze you and will attempt to keep you from pursuing the great work assigned to you, but you mustn’t let it. There will be distractions, there will be hesitations, but remember God is the one writing your story and He is the only one with the pen. Cling to His Word and you will keep His promises as treasures stored in your heart. No one can take away what God has orchestrated or created to be. His will is His way, always.
Whether you’re sensing a year of boldness ahead like I am or if God is guiding you towards a different path, I pray you will stay on course. Always follow His lead, even if roadblocks or detours lurk ahead, keep on. Move forward when called and rest when needed. Take breaks to refresh, retreat and reconnect. Every “yes” you commit to is a “no” to something else, and vice versa. There will be times to go and times to stay put. Be willing to do both.
If you can remember these things, the Lord will bring you to places you never could have imagined yet always wanted to go. He will cover you with love and assure you that you are right where you are supposed to be.
“The wicked are edgy with guilt, ready to run off even when no one’s after them; Honest people are relaxed and confident, bold as lions.”
Proverbs 28:1 (MSG)
“He (Paul) proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!”
Acts 28:31 (NIV)
“So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.”
Hebrews 4:16 (NLT)