Made to Move Mountains: How God uses our dreams and disasters to accomplish the impossible
By Kristen Welch
I often refer back to my [family’s] time living in Scottsdale, AZ as my “time in the desert place.”
The years leading up to our unanticipated relocation across the country prepared me spiritually for the move even if I didn’t understand the reasoning behind God uprooting my family from our home state of Michigan to Arizona. Because my faith was tested throughout the years prior, my faith never wavered as I traveled from one mountain and towards several others. I trusted in the Lord’s plan and knew His timing is always perfect. The trials I had encountered [in the years before our relocation] had strengthened my faith and taught me how to persevere during a time of uncertainty.
I spent nearly two and a half years wandering the desert, very much like Abraham, unsure of where I was going but trusting the path I was on and the One who was leading me. I was surrounded by mountains all around me (both physically and metaphorically), but I knew my Leader would help me climb fearlessly in order to experience what lied ahead on the other side.
“And everything I’ve taught you is so that the peace which is in Me will be in you and will give you great confidence as you rest in Me. For in this unbelieving world you will experience trouble and sorrows, but you must be courageous, for I have conquered the world!”
John 16:33 (TPT)
Jesus warned we would face trouble and challenges in this world because we live in a place that is full of sin and brokenness. Yet, He reminded us we are not alone in our struggles and through the power and strength of His Spirit we are able to do “all things” (Philippians 4:13) including taking that first step into the unknown. So often things in our life won’t make sense because we can’t see where we are going or what is to come, but God knows. He can accomplish the impossible and make a way even where there is no way. He can move mountains and conquer giants. All we need to do is take the first step forward.
Made to Move Mountains: How God Uses Our Dreams and Disasters to Accomplish the Impossible by Kristen Welch is an inspiring book that encourages the reader to crush fear with a holy confidence in the only God who is able to move mountains. Through her own faith journey, Welch reminds the reader there is purpose on their path and the mountain in the way. We can have hope because we serve a God who is sovereign, faithful and forgiving. He will use the spiritual mountains in our life to create endurance, build perseverance and shape our character so can fulfill the many purposes of our story and bring Him glory.
Made to Move Mountains was a refreshing read I would recommend to anyone who is seeking to strengthen their faith. There is scriptural support throughout each chapter along with questions to contemplate and reflect on. I absolutely loved this book because it has a message that is relatable for all seasons of life. It meets the reader where they are, whether that be in a season of sorrow and strife or a season of hopes and dreams.
I’ve personally survived and thrived through many challenges in my life which I helped me to relate to the overall message in Made to Move Mountains, but I never had considered how a God-ordained dream could also be seen as a mountain to conquer. Perhaps that seems silly but I always affiliate mountains with troubling circumstances rather than with seemingly impossible dreams. I found so much value in this perspective because I am currently at the base of a mountain built up of dreams so big they appear unattainable.
Each mountain we face may look different and the climb may be more gradual or steep, but with a faith unshakeable we can trust and follow the God who is able to make the impossible possible. He is made to move mountains.
* I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review