Faith is for Weak People: Responding to the Top 20 Objections to the Gospel

By Ray Comfort

It appears this world is falling further and further away from how God created it to be.

Hate is spewed freely. Love is cheap. How we feel is more important than what is real and true. Filters make everything look pretty and perfect but hide deep brokenness and insecurity that are buried beneath the surface. Sin is commonplace and the instant bombardment of news has desensitized humanity and numbed our convictions.

Please, Lord Jesus, come. I can’t imagine things getting much worse.

But they will, because they have. History often repeats itself. It’s bound to get worse before it gets better.

The struggle is real and the spiritual battle ongoing. Our souls and the souls of those we love are at stake. We cannot fight this war unprepared or unarmed.

Faith is for Weak People: Responding to the Top 20 Objections to the Gospel by Ray Comfort was written to light a fire within those who call themselves followers of Christ. Jesus can save lives and God can restore what was lost and broken, but sheep need a Shepherd to be brought back Home.

Using the moral law and future punishment, Comfort has dedicated his life towards witnessing to unbelievers. As an experienced apologist and evangelist, Comfort travels the extra mile in his attempt to lead people Home.

Comfort shares the Good News by making people understand they have broken God’s law and are in desperate need of a Savior. If people do not realize they are sick, then they will never find a cure. Comfort uses this strategy of convicting conscience over intellect to witness to those who are lost. We can answer every question a person may have about Jesus, God and Christianity, but if we cannot convict their soul then we are basically teaching them about a car without showing them how to drive it.

Throughout Faith is for Weak People, Comfort addresses the most common objections to the Gospel but unlike most apologetics books I have read, this book goes a step further in tackling more specific, personal questions and debates someone may have towards Christianity. Using his own life accounts, Comfort makes a very practical case for God’s existence. As a reader, I appreciated the uniqueness of Comfort’s real life stories, especially when they didn’t always end in a positive way.

Faith is for Weak People is book that will test your courage and your faith as a follower of Jesus. Comfort will challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone in order to test the depths of your own beliefs. In other words, do you take your faith seriously? Are you willing to walk on water and actually live out what the Gospel says? If so, then you should feel led to lead the lost to the cross so they can find their way back Home.

Faith is for Weak People is a book every modern Christian can benefit from and one I hope many will use as encouragement to apply to their life.

* I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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