A Change of Affection: A Gay Man’s Incredible Story of Redemption

By Becket Cook

A Change of Affection: A Gay Man’s Incredible Story of Redemption by Becket Cook is a book that is part memoir, part apologetic in nature. Written in first person, Cook uses his personal life experiences as a successful set designer in the fashion industry to describe the homosexual life he lived for several decades before recognizing his sinful bent towards same-sex attraction and accepting Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

Oh my gosh, friends! I could not put this book down! I absolutely loved the combination of personal stories mixed with biblical support and FAQs (the author receives as a man who used to be openly gay living in Hollywood, CA) as well as practical ways to support, encourage and love those who are part of the LGBTQ community.

A Change of Affection is so full of grace it is amazing! I’ve studied homosexuality and same-sex attraction quite extensively so I was deeply encouraged to learn that everything in this book supports the wisdom I’ve obtained over the years. Moreover, hearing Cook’s own testimony, conviction and current life as a witness for Jesus is truly priceless and genuinely puts this book at the top of my list of “must reads” for Christian memoirs on understanding the biblical stance on homosexuality.

One last thing I will mention that I really appreciated was the closing chapters of this book.

Cook ties everything together by reiterating the importance of love as well as the ability to stand firm on biblical Truth.

Our world today is run by culture and it seems almost daily Christian churches, leaders, and believers are feeling the pressure to conform to what the world says is true while throwing out what the Bible claims as Truth. Some of the main reasons why so many Christians are conforming to culture today is either out of fear of not being accepted, weakness of their own faith or simply choosing to believe the Bible is outdated and irrelevant in today’s modern world. Cook does an impactful job, in my opinion, at encouraging Christians to stick to our convictions while also granting both love and grace to those who are “different” than us. For me, Cook’s words warning against conforming were so powerful as he reminded the reader of the ramifications of continuing to live a life of sin.

*I personally purchased this book. The thoughts and opinions expressed are my very own. 

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