Revived & Renovated: Real Life Conversations on the Intersection of Home, Faith, and Everything in Between
By Victoria Duerstock and Paige Rien
I’ve had an appreciation for figurative language for as long as I can remember, however my love for figures of speech has grown as an adult through studying God’s Word and applying it to my life. In particular, I’m fond of Paul’s depiction of life purpose as a marathon or a race – a process of imperfect progress, enduring and persevering through obstacles and mixed terrain, while staying in your assigned lane, not looking to the left or the right but rather fixing your eyes on what is Above.
It’s a productive perspective to possess and one I often think about while running on my treadmill. I reflect on the endurance needed to go the distance, the cross training that must be added to assist in growth development and increased strength and stamina, and the perseverance to show up and do the work even when it is the last thing I want to do.
Though, I’ve never considered how the work that goes into homemaking can be compared to the Lord’s work on His people.
Sometimes we need a complete overhaul to create a blank slate or a gut job to get us back to square one. Other times a fresh coat of paint or a deep cleaning provide the rejuvenation we need.
This analogy lays the foundation for the book, Revived & Renovated: Real Life Conversations on the Intersection of Home, Faith, and Everything in Between by Victoria Duerstock and Paige Rien.
I was unfamiliar with both authors and their work portfolios prior to reading this book, yet I received much value and enjoyment from learning how their life experiences and personal faith have shaped the work God has done on, with and through them.
Both women are passionate about creating a home that is built upon the Truth of God’s Word and the framework of His design. In Revived & Renovated, Duerstock and Rien connect the physical work that can be done on or within the home to the spiritual work that can be done within one’s soul. This unique analogy draws parallels that are refreshing, relatable, and restorative.
The entire book is written through a conversational-style, intimate dialogue between two creatively blessed design-oriented Christian women who come from very different backgrounds. It’s almost as if you were witnessing two friends communicate via FaceTime or were a fly on the wall observing their casual coffee talk.
Each chapter focuses on a particular “home design” buzzword and how it relates to God’s design for each person’s life and the transforming soul work He can accomplish through sanctification. This includes reviving what has been inactive or unused and bringing it back to life, restoring something back to its original state or condition, repurposing something into a different use or form, refocusing back to the course or plan one was following, remaking something into a new creation, and more.
BONUS: Sprinkled throughout the book, the reader will encounter “Real Projects to Progress in the Home.” These sections offer simple ideas from Paige Rien that will assist you in getting started on your own DIY home projects.
I thought Revived & Renovated was an interesting read because of its conversational word flow but also because of the imagery it painted. The entire book is quite short and an easy read, yet, I found myself reading it slowly and pausing to contemplate the content. In fact, after nearly every chapter I closed the book and would sit quietly, absorbing what I just read, and relating it to my own life. I can’t say this is a typical way that I read books, in particular books that are more on the “light” side and not heavy in word count, subject matter, or page volume. It was a refreshing pace, to say the least, especially given the time of the year I was reading this book (December).
Revived & Renovated is a great book for anyone looking to get their feet wet before diving deeper into their faith journey. Whether you’re seeking revival, reclamation, restoration, renewal, recovery, or renovation, this book will help you to grow spiritually while encouraging you to reflect on the current condition of your design. With intention and attention, it is possible to strip down what’s old, worn, or run down to expose the original blueprint that leads to a beautiful purpose.
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*I received this book from FrontGate Media in exchange for promotion and my honest review.