My Yes is on the Table: Moving from Fear to Faith 

By Jennifer Hand

Satan, the author of lies, uses fear as his guide to attempt to rewrite God’s plans and derail God’s purposes. Whether he keeps you busy, anxious, comfortable, or paralyzed, the enemy of all things good will do whatever it takes to trap you in fear and restrict you from experiencing God’s best. 

The truth is, faith defeats fear all day, every day. Yet too often we find ourselves stuck on the edge of uncertainty rather than taking a tiny step forward. We worry about the things we cannot see instead of fixing our eyes on the One who oversees everything. Rather than trusting the One who goes before us, we doubt what lies ahead or question what will be required if we choose to follow. 

When we forget God’s perfect track record as the Keeper of Promises, we allow fear to control our movement and grant fear the authority to stop us in our tracks, lead us down the easier route, or redirect us back to where we came from. Choosing fear over faith is an inadvertent “no” and a rejection of the contents stored within the greatest gift ever received. Contents we may never know, witness, or enjoy if we deny the opportunity to let go and let God

If we continually leave our faith in a box or tuck it away in a safe place, we may forget its power to move mountains and potential to save souls. After all, why would we need a Savior if we can simply save ourselves? Why say “yes” to the Perfecter of Faith and then never access the fullness of the faith that is offered?

Saying “yes” is a choice that denies the self to exalt the Savior. Saying “yes” is more than believing in God and His Word but is also an intentional decision to live a life that actively follows His Word and His way.  

In the book, My Yes is on the Table: Moving from Fear to Faith, author Jennifer Hand challenges believers to place their “yes” before the Lord and become a person who wholeheartedly follows. Using the story of the Israelites travelling through the wilderness towards the Promised Land, Jenn outlines various obstacles we may encounter when we find ourselves at the crossroads of faith and fear. As you walk through each chapter, you will confront a fear stop before heading forward via a faith step. Answering each call of faith will equip you with newfound confidence to call Satan’s bluff when he tries to cripple you in fear. 

Each of the twelve chapters tackle some of the most common fears such as the fear of mishearing or misinterpreting God’s message, fear of failure, fear of disappointment, fear of going first (leading), fear of judgment, fear of inadequacy, fear of the impossible, fear of the unknown, and more. Whether your next step is an inch ahead, a steep climb above, or a giant leap away, you will receive the peace and assurance you need to move forward and boldly explore all that God has in store.

The theme of My Yes is on the Table can be categorized in three words – Believe. Risk. Trust.

These words will both encourage you and challenge you as you venture outside your comfort zone and into a world explored through fearless faith. 

Jenn beautifully weaves the theme of Believe. Risk. Trust. throughout the entire book, but a big takeaway I received from My Yes is on the Table was the concept of God as the Maker and Keeper of promises. Jenn suggests God often provides us with His promises before He gives us His plans. God does this because He knows we may be overwhelmed, confused, or scared to pursue the road He has for us if we know what it will take to get us to His final destination. In other words, if we see the terrain or obstacles that loom ahead or read the instructional manual before we begin the journey, we may never hit the pavement. 

My Yes is on the Table incorporates relevant biblical context alongside the author’s vocational experience in full-time ministry to inspire the reader to be all in for God because God is all in for the reader. Each chapter concludes with a reflection section that includes a guided prayer as well as additional scripture to study. I took the time to read the scriptural passages at the end of each chapter and am so glad I did – it allowed me the space I needed to pause and spiritually digest what I had just studied. It was in this space of stillness and reflection that I was reminded I am called and capable because my God is able. He is the only One who can make the impossible possible. All glory, honor, and praise be to the Lord our God!

Fear is nothing but a liar and with Christ, you possess the strength and ability to call the enemy out on his lies as you firmly proclaim, “NOT today, Satan!” Putting fear in its place is an empowering position that humbles the heart to openly receive the goodness God has to offer. My Yes is on the Table will nudge you forward in your faith by challenging you to follow God’s will and way over your own. 

Even if you have said “yes” to Jesus years ago, are you allowing Him to do His “yes work” in you today? Do you believe He can? Are you willing to risk it all? Do you trust in Him or are you leaning on your own strength, wisdom, will, and understanding?

My Yes is on the Table is a book I recommend to anyone who struggles with fear, is currently standing at a crossroads of making a life-altering decision or is desiring to exchange a lukewarm faith for a fearless faith. Whether it is a person, place, plan, or purpose, experiencing God’s best starts with saying “yes.” Vow to hold back no more – lay it all down before the Lord. Surrender your fear and receive the freedom that comes with a life flourishing in faith! 

*I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. 

  1. […] My Yes Is On The Table: Moving From Fear to Faith by Jennifer Hand […]

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