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Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions By Gregory Koukl One look at today’s morally decaying culture should alert those who claim to follow Christ to actively follow Christ and purposefully pursue The Great Commission – “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of […]
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This may be one of many sangria recipes on my website, but it is the O.G. of all my sangria recipes! Inspired by traditional sangria recipes, like the one my Senora (Spanish-host mother) would make while I was studying abroad in Spain, but much simpler and with a personal twist – I replace brandy and […]
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The Charlie Kirk Show After witnessing statewide shut-downs and mask mandates miraculously disappear during the Summer of 2020 (you know, for those who chose to riot, loot, and burn down cities in response to the death of George Floyd), I became intentional in seeking out news-centered podcasts that were fearlessly committed to reporting the news […]
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As a Michigander, I’ve always been a fan of comfort food, in general, and chili, in particular. Even so, I didn’t eat much chicken chili until I became an adult. Let’s just say, once I discovered the familiar flavors of a red-based beef chili produced in the unfamiliar setting of a white-based chicken chili, I […]
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Deep down, I want more from the days of the present, but I heard a whisper the other day reminding me the present is a present. Sure, things don’t make sense right now but did they ever really? I’m frustrated in this season and I want to return to the normal chaos of life, but right now, today, […]
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Humility – A concept complex in its application and likely the most counter-cultural attribute to attain throughout one’s life. I spent the last year seeking biblical obedience and concluded the year by “saying no” to some opportunities I dreamed of experiencing over the last decade. Truthfully, the last couple of months were a conflicting and […]