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Like many people during the Covid-19 lockdowns, I combined my added “free” time along with my love of carbs (and frustration over a local bread shortage in my community) and began researching how to make homemade bread. After experimenting with multiple recipes, I stumbled upon one that was posted repeatedly by various food bloggers. It […]
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The Bible isn’t relevant today, it’s just an outdated book containing old stories and fairytales. Church is a lame hobby. I have better things to do. No one even cares if I’m at church, so what’s the point in going? Church people are hypocrites. Why would I want to be associated with them? Over the […]
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Christianity and Wokeness: How the Social Justice Movement is Hijacking the Gospel and the Way to Stop it By Owen Strachan In the year 2021, it’s likely you’ve encountered the terms, “woke” or “wokeness,” or perhaps you’ve heard the phrases, “silence is violence,” “white people should be less white,” and “no justice, no peace.” But […]
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Faith, like love, can be very relative, particularly in the 21st century. You can have faith that a person will do what they promised. Faith in a certain outcome. Faith for a specific event, situation or circumstance. Or even faith that the weather will turn out as forecasted so you are able to enjoy your tropical vacation. […]
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I’ll never forget my first encounter with spinach. It was at TGIFridays. The item was Spinach & Artichoke Dip. It was love at first bite and the appetizer changed my entire view on the dark, leafy, green vegetable. This recipe is my own take on the beloved dip and is a recipe I’ve spent over […]
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Bedtime with Mommy By Nancy Sanders The sweetness that surrounds childhood bedtime has been beautifully captured in the newly released board book, Bedtime with Mommy by Nancy Sanders. Each page in this delightfully illustrated book details the unique mother-child bond of 8 featured animals in their specific habitat to convey a unifying message – wherever you are around […]