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100 years of the female body “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of our God endures forever.” – Isaiah 40:8 It’s interesting how quickly things change in this world – societal status, ethics and morality, the meaning of words, fashion trends, beauty standards, and body norms, amongst many other cultural fads. Society […]
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I technically had an eating disorder. I say, “technically,” because I knew I wasn’t fat and didn’t need to lose weight. I never once looked in the mirror and had a distorted view of myself. I physically saw myself for what I was. I knew I was thin and consciously chose to make myself dangerously […]
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The words were written seventeen years ago but they are haunting me today. I didn’t uncover them until two years ago when my parents asked me to sort through five boxes of my old stuff. It was a strange feeling to process as I stared at the boxes containing the “highlights” of the first twenty-one […]
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I’m a sucker for anything that combines chocolate and coconut – Almond Joy candy bars, mochas, ice-cream, pancakes, you name it! There is something so decadent and yet, tropical and exotic, when chocolate and coconut are married together. The blending of these flavors inspired me to create a muffin that I think you’ll enjoy as […]
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In an effort to provide a very basic understanding and an “elementary” introduction to the discussion of gender identity, the science behind it, how Christians should respond, and what the Bible actually says, I decided to create a “catch all” resource per your review and consideration. It is my hope that this article will serve as a […]
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Rose is my favorite wine to drink during the warmer months of the year so naturally I experimented with it to concoct a sangria recipe. Friends, this may be the BEST sangria I’ve tasted! With hints of raspberry and strawberry and subtle bubbles from sparkling water and wine, this rose sangria is summery and oh, […]