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Mexican food and margaritas go together like peanut butter and jelly. I mean, really. Have you eaten Mexican food without tequila? I have…many times…of course. My family eats Mexican-inspired meals at least 2-3 times a week and I don’t consume booze with every meal. When I do eat Mexican dishes, however, and do not have a margarita […]

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Growing up as a Mexican-American girl in the 90s, one of my fondest memories is eating guacamole and none of my peers (or even my parents’ friends!) knowing what it was. In fact, I recall numerous times when friends would come over for dinner and my dad would make his famous wet burritos or homemade […]

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Pico de gallo is a staple at our house. It is basically a fresh and chunky salsa that is often used as a side dish or as a topping in Mexican cuisine. In my house, we put pico on soups, burritos, tacos, homemade queso, and more, as well as eat it alongside chips and guacamole. […]

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Holy Guacamole: A Glorious Discovery of Your Undeniable Worth By Carrie Stephens “Who am I?” It’s a question most people have asked themselves at least once in their life. It’s a question made up of three small, simple words that weigh heavy on a person’s heart. It’s a question most people don’t know the answer […]

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I’m home. I feel safe. I have no worries because life is good and God is greater. I’ve spent all week locked in my protective little bubble of praise, worship and the Lord’s presence. Wrapped tightly in my coziest security blanket, I am covered with God’s love, hope, comfort and Truth. I am genuinely happy. […]

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Resilient: Child Discipleship and the Fearless Future of the Church By Valerie Bell with Chris Marchand, Matt Markins, and Mike Handler Thinking of what the church will be like in 2050 seems so far away until you realize the future leaders of the church are today’s youth. There is no argument that the world today […]


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