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Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey I first came across Allie Beth Stuckey when she was a guest on The Candance Owens Show podcast. At the time, I had no prior knowledge of who she was or what she did. Upon hearing her interview with Candace Owens, I had a few opinions… She is quite opinionated She knows […]
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A new decade, a fresh start. Hope. Opportunity. Promise. Anything is possible when you fearlessly hand over your intentions and restrictions and instead trust in the Lord’s purposes for your life. I sense the winds of change looming near and with them brings new life and new light into what is sullen or dimmed out. […]
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What a great time to be a Christian! Wait…what?! Yeah. It is a fan-flipping-tastic time to be a follower of the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). You don’t think so? Okay, I can see where you may feel discouraged, anxious, or fearful right now. We’re approaching a year of a global health […]
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Make Their Day: 101 Simple, Powerful Ways to Love Others Well By Karen Ehman 2020 was a year of a lot of hate and negativity but not much love, positivity or action. If you’re looking to break that mold by shining some light, sharing some love, and sprinkling kindness everywhere you go but have no […]
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“That’s why we’re always full of courage. Even while we’re at home in the body, we’re homesick to be with the Master— for we live by faith, not by what we see with our eyes. We live with a joyful confidence, yet at the same time we take delight in the thought of leaving our bodies behind […]
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The honest conversations are the hardest ones to have because they uncover the things we try to hide. Like the things we don’t want to consider, the things we wish to forget, the things we cannot see or the things we don’t even know exist. Honest conversations are never fun or easy and they take […]