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Faithfully Different: Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture By Natasha Crain There is no neutral worldview. Rather, the lens in which every human views the world is shaped and refined by one’s moral, philosophical, and scientific beliefs as well as one’s personal attitudes, values, and experiences. Everyone has a worldview that they use to […]

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Fake or Follower: Refusing to Settle For a Shallow Faith By Andi Andrew Are you coasting through life? Lukewarm and content? Are you living for the here and now of this life [the temporary] or are you working towards the next [eternity]? Do you find yourself putting on different masks to hide who you are […]

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Jesus Revolution: How God Transformed an Unlikely Generation and How He Can Do It Again Today By Greg Laurie and Ellen Vaughn As a kid, I never had much interest in history. Maybe I was young, naïve and simply not interested, or perhaps I was too ignorant and self-absorbed to consider anything other than the present. […]

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