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2024 is in full swing and I’m just now taking the time to reflect on the previous year as I set intentions for the present. Better late than never, amiright? 🙂 2023 was my year of seeking trust in the Lord and oh, did I need it! As I sat down to write Seeking Trust last January, I never could […]

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Hey, friend. It’s been a while since we last connected. At least, in an intimate or personal way. I know, it’s kinda awkward to attempt to pick up where we left off when so much time has passed and so much stuff has occurred in life, in the world…  I’ve alluded to some challenges I’ve faced earlier […]

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My family celebrates many birthdays in January, including my first-born’s as well as my own and my youngest child’s. January 2020 was extra special because my eldest, Gabriella, turned 10 years old while my fifth child made her appearance as well! (Yes, I literally spent the entire decade of 2010-2020 being pregnant and raising children!) […]

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Each year since 2017 I have chosen, with prayerful consideration, to focus on the biblical definition and application of a specific word. In 2022, I was challenged to seek humility.  I entered the year directing my heart towards honesty, vulnerability, and transparency while aiming to:  To learn more about my intentions and motivations for seeking humility, […]

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Like most people, I love the holiday season [from Thanksgiving through Christmas] and all the festive cheer and biblical significance that surrounds these days of celebration. What I don’t like, however, is the pressure to perform (like having the most decadent meal and decorated table or the most Pin-spired Christmas tree that captures everyone’s awe […]

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Lessons I’ve learned and reflections I have upon leaving the public school system  School is officially out for summer! I can hardly believe how quick the school year went by, especially when I think of how it began.  The anger. The tension. The uncertainty. The truth slowly making its way into the light. Spending last […]

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