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Looking for content that fills the body while nourishing the soul? Well friend, you’ve come to the right place! 

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2021 was my year of seeking obedience.  I entered the year anticipating it would be a wild ride of more of the same (or even crazier nonsense) that was experienced in 2020. There were also five things I felt prompted to pursue:  1.) Love God and love people  2.) Know God is good even when life […]

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Anyone would agree that medicine, routine check-ups, necessary precautions and intentional personal monitoring of one’s health are not just needed, but required, when a diagnosis is clear. Failing to follow any of the doctor’s orders or recommendations will not bring about a natural cure. Sure, it may provide a sense of control or perhaps may […]

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It’s that thing you can’t stop thinking about. The thing that gets you out of bed in the morning. The thing that never feels like work because you love doing it. It’s a part of who you are, what you feel called to do and a deep passion burning to fulfill your life’s purpose. It’s like your soul is on fire. You […]


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