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Leadership skills are essential attributes that can profoundly influence a child’s future success and interpersonal abilities. For parents looking to cultivate these traits, the process involves intentional actions and consistent support. This guide from Christen Fox provides practical approaches for embedding leadership development in everyday parenting practices. Through thoughtful engagement and strategic guidance, parents can effectively lay […]

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Insecurity is the public enemy of love. It will do whatever it takes to rob us of God’s goodness and steal any joy that enters our lives. Paul spoke candidly about the importance of love in 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 when he said it is possible to have and do everything good, right and honorable in […]

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Anyone would agree that medicine, routine check-ups, necessary precautions and intentional personal monitoring of one’s health are not just needed, but required, when a diagnosis is clear. Failing to follow any of the doctor’s orders or recommendations will not bring about a natural cure. Sure, it may provide a sense of control or perhaps may […]

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“I can’t.” The false belief of having the power to do anything colliding with the realization of being able to do nothing.   I prohibit these two small words from my children’s vocabulary and yet, I’ve uttered them more times [since Covid hit] than I care to admit.  I’m a mom of five young children spanning […]

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In this second installment of my Culture Matters: Kids & Tech series, I will outline my family’s tech policy along with detailing each family member’s individual tech use and ownership. Additionally, I will offer age-appropriate rules and internet safety guidelines for your family’s personal consideration.  If you have any rules, recommendations or resource referrals that I have not mentioned […]

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I had my first child in 2010 and became a proud owner of my first smartphone in 2011. Like most people, I was entranced by the technology, convenience and wow-ness of my first iPhone, especially since my previous phone had been a Motorola Razr with pixelated photo capability and Stone Age texting.  As a young […]


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