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“Wow, you really come alive talking about this!” my new friend exclaimed. It was the type of response I hadn’t heard before and one that affirmed the spark within me. A spark that has been in my heart for as long as I can remember. I’m not sure of the exact moment that it struck a […]

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You’ve lost all hope. You feel like life as you know it is over. You can’t imagine things ever getting better or returning back to “normal.” So much damage has been done. Too much pain caused. Too many words spewed and emotions dumped out. You feel empty inside with no energy or desire to push […]

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It happens like a slow fade, transitioning from the brightness of light into the darkness of night. I feel so alone. I’m scared. Fear of the unknown lurks in every corner. Confused…I’m unsure of what’s to come. I don’t know when, or even if, the light will ever return. I have faith that it will, […]

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Daughter. Child. Christen. These were the first names given to me when I entered this world. A few years later, “sister” and “friend” were added. In adolescence, emotional names were piled onto the growing list comprising my identity. Shy. Awkward. Boney. Ultimately those names became intimidated, loser and anorexic. Those names eventually mutated and formed […]

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It was packaged so beautifully. An answered prayer I long anticipated for over five years, wrapped perfectly and carefully opened to reveal my heart’s deepest desires as a reality to be experienced. I was caught off guard by this present gifted to me last December and in awe of witnessing it come to fruition months […]

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For the first 31 years of my life, I felt like I was wearing a mask. For 31 long and exhausting years, I attempted to hide who I really am. I tried to be someone I am not and I pretended to be someone else. With each layer of disguise and deception that I piled […]


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