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What mom doesn’t want to satisfy her children’s never-ending snack requests with a healthy option that is filling, nutritious, naturally sweet, and super simple and quick to make?  After the snack “win” I received with my Berry Yogurt Pops over the summer, I was motivated to play around some more with Greek yogurt to create […]

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It is no secret that I am pumpkin obsessed – I love the taste and smell of pumpkin and stock up on pumpkin-scented candles and pumpkin-flavored foods during the fall months so I can enjoy all the pumpkin-y things throughout the long and cold Michigan winter months.  One cozy comfort food I often prepare on […]

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Homemade vinaigrettes are super easy to make and the creative concoctions are endless with different flavors of vinegar and variations of oil. I was inspired to find champagne vinegar after loving a champagne vinaigrette I had on a salad at a local restaurant. Champagne vinegar can be tricky to find, so I advise looking for […]

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Over the years and by trial and error (read: caving into their cravings), I’ve learned kids will relentlessly request more food until they are full or their mind has moved on to the next activity (or is that just my kids?).  Most moms know the “I’m hungry” groans tend to run on repeat until mom […]

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A few years ago, my husband wanted to lose some weight and chose to do so by trying the fad-diet of that time – the Ketogenic diet (aka Keto).*  I wanted to support my husband’s health and weight management in the best way I knew how so I experimented with concocting numerous low carb recipes. […]

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This may be one of many sangria recipes on my website, but it is the O.G. of all my sangria recipes! Inspired by traditional sangria recipes, like the one my Senora (Spanish-host mother) would make while I was studying abroad in Spain, but much simpler and with a personal twist – I replace brandy and […]


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