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It’s an unsettling feeling, when you feel God calling you out of your comfort zone so He can wrap you in the comfort of His love and protection. In the pit of your stomach you know what you’re feeling is from God, it has to be, especially when what you’re experiencing is something you never […]

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Anyone But Me: 10 Ways to Overcome Your Fear and Be Prepared to Share the Gospel By Ray Comfort 2020 is a year that will go down in history. Coronavirus pandemic. Racial injustice. Political unrest. Riots. Looting. Businesses destroyed and police vehicles up in flames. Casualties of all kinds. Division widens each day as devastation […]

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It came on full force. Unexpected, yet anticipated. Like a tidal wave developing from afar, you think you have time to prepare for what is about to come, but choose to stay put instead. Lying on the comfort of your own beach blanket, you don’t have a care in the world because life is good. […]

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Faith is for Weak People: Responding to the Top 20 Objections to the Gospel By Ray Comfort It appears this world is falling further and further away from how God created it to be. Hate is spewed freely. Love is cheap. How we feel is more important than what is real and true. Filters make […]

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Fake or Follower: Refusing to Settle For a Shallow Faith By Andi Andrew Are you coasting through life? Lukewarm and content? Are you living for the here and now of this life [the temporary] or are you working towards the next [eternity]? Do you find yourself putting on different masks to hide who you are […]

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For as long as I can remember, I was looking for a way out. A way to escape, an opportunity to explore, a chance to be free. What was I trying to escape from? What did I want to explore? Why did I feel like I was locked and bound? What made me want to […]


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