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Take Back Your Family from the Tyrants of Burnout, Busyness, Individualism, & the Nuclear Ideal By Jefferson Bethke It’s embarrassing to admit this, but with all the reading I do, I don’t read many books geared towards parenting and motherhood. Even when I was a new mom, I read only a few books from that […]

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More Than a Mom: How Prioritizing Your Wellness Helps You (and Your Family Thrive) By Kari Kampakis Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to defend your motherhood or your role as a mother? Or perhaps you’ve thought to yourself, there’s got to be more to life than changing diapers, doing endless […]

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No one really tells you exactly how hard being a mom is. You hear about the joys of motherhood, the beauty of being pregnant, and the gift of childbirth. You can read countless books or have numerous conversations about pregnancy, how to handle baby’s first year, parenting advice, and more, but no book or friendly […]

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Fall is my absolute favorite season of the entire year and in Michigan, where I reside, it seems to be the time when God is showing off His marvelous artistry through the bright, beautiful shades of red, orange and green that cover the terrain. Combine the vibrant colors with the crisp, cool air and fragrant […]

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“I can’t.” The false belief of having the power to do anything colliding with the realization of being able to do nothing.   I prohibit these two small words from my children’s vocabulary and yet, I’ve uttered them more times [since Covid hit] than I care to admit.  I’m a mom of five young children spanning […]

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In this second installment of my Culture Matters: Kids & Tech series, I will outline my family’s tech policy along with detailing each family member’s individual tech use and ownership. Additionally, I will offer age-appropriate rules and internet safety guidelines for your family’s personal consideration.  If you have any rules, recommendations or resource referrals that I have not mentioned […]


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