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“How many times have I asked you to do ___ and you still keep disobeying me?” As a mom of five, I find myself saying this (or something close to this) more times than I’d care to count. On some days, I feel like no one is listening and my request is on repeat. Like today. It […]

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Resilient: Child Discipleship and the Fearless Future of the Church By Valerie Bell with Chris Marchand, Matt Markins, and Mike Handler Thinking of what the church will be like in 2050 seems so far away until you realize the future leaders of the church are today’s youth. There is no argument that the world today […]

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So The Next Generation Will Know: Preparing Young Christians for a Challenging World By Sean McDowell and J. Warner Wallace It’s embarrassing to admit this – I have been a parent for just over nine years now but I didn’t start reading parenting books until two years ago. I know. I am an avid reader […]

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Screen Kids: 5 Skills Every Child Needs in a Tech-Driven World By Gary Chapman and Arlene Pellicane “It seems to be creating more bad than good. Why won’t they just shut it down?” I lamented to my husband after watching Netflix’s documentary, The Social Dilemma.* The it I referred to being social media. I’m the first to admit I’ve […]

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Parents Rising: 8 Strategies for raising kids who love God, respect authority, & value what is right By Arlene Pellicane Let me start by saying, if you’ve never read anything written by Arlene Pellicane then you are definitely missing out! She writes with a voice similar to a mix of a wise older sister and […]


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