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Each year since 2017 I have chosen, with prayerful consideration, to focus on the biblical definition and application of a specific word. In 2022, I was challenged to seek humility.  I entered the year directing my heart towards honesty, vulnerability, and transparency while aiming to:  To learn more about my intentions and motivations for seeking humility, […]

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Angels All Around Us By Larry S. Glover Have you ever wondered about angels? Who are they? What they do? I sure have.  As a child, my mom would settle any uneasiness I was feeling during a thunderstorm by telling me the loud rumblings were angels bowling in heaven. It gave me a sense of peace […]

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God-Confident Kids: Helping your child find true purpose, passion and peace By Cyndie Claypool de Neve Kids today have a tough life to navigate. News and information are readily accessible and instant connection to friends, family, acquaintances and anyone in the world is as easy as a text, email, call, or video chat, all available […]

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Loving My Actual Neighbor: 7 Practices to Treasure the People Right in Front of You By Alexandra Kuykendall Regardless if you consider yourself a follower of Christ or not, you most likely are familiar with the concept (Jesus’ command) of loving your neighbor as yourself. While loving your neighbor appears to be packaged as simple […]

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It’s calm and cozy here. There are toys strewn about and noises fill the air. Sounds of laughter, joy, excitement, and child’s play. Dishes fill the sink. Crumbs cover the floor. Paper, remnants of food, and other trinkets clutter the countertops while being held hostage by the stickiness of life. Despite what some may see […]


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