Angels All Around Us

By Larry S. Glover

Have you ever wondered about angels? Who are they? What they do?

I sure have. 

As a child, my mom would settle any uneasiness I was feeling during a thunderstorm by telling me the loud rumblings were angels bowling in heaven. It gave me a sense of peace during the tumultuous weather while assuring my belief that angels were real. 

Yes, I realize that was bad theology and to be honest, I’ve never intentionally sought to learn about God’s celestial creatures. Instead, I stowed the mystery in the back of my imagination and gathered comfort in believing angels existed on earth and in heaven. 

As I’ve grown older, I still think about angels bowling in heaven whenever I encounter a thunderstorm but never give angels much more thought than that. In the humble realization of my ignorance, I was gifted the opportunity to read and review the children’s book, Angels All Around Us by Larry S. Glover.

I’ve heard it said before that the best way to test if you fully understand a concept is to relay or teach the message to a child. I think Angels All Around Us can serve as a productive introduction to that discussion. 

Angels All Around Us, geared towards children age 4-8 years old, explores the various types of angels who watch over you by highlighting their unique traits and purposes. For instance, there are angels who are strong, brave and confident but there are also angels who are gentle and full of peace, love and kindness. Angels can lead us to pursue God’s will while also guiding us to do what is right or redirect our path if we’ve gone astray. Likewise, there are angels of mercy, angels who specialize in healing, and angels who are messengers from God as well as archangels. 

The illustrations in this book are a beautiful depiction of the presence of our holy guardians while the overall message offers comfort to young, anxious souls. Angels All Around Us is great tool to initiate conversation about angels yet I advise studying scripture to maintain biblical context.*

Angels All Around Us is one of many books by Childlike Faith Children’s (CLFC) Books that focuses on building a strong faith foundation while developing a relationship with God and an appreciation for His wonders and creation. For more information about CLFC Books, check out

*If I have any negative feedback about Angels All Around Us, it would be the lack of direct scriptural reference. There are limited resources cited in the back of this book and I would have liked to have seen a more diverse and expansive list of content to encourage further research and a deeper, theological understanding.

**I received this book from FrontGate Media in exchange for promotion and my honest review. 

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