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My Yes is on the Table: Moving from Fear to Faith  By Jennifer Hand Satan, the author of lies, uses fear as his guide to attempt to rewrite God’s plans and derail God’s purposes. Whether he keeps you busy, anxious, comfortable, or paralyzed, the enemy of all things good will do whatever it takes to […]

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Humility – A concept complex in its application and likely the most counter-cultural attribute to attain throughout one’s life.  I spent the last year seeking biblical obedience and concluded the year by “saying no” to some opportunities I dreamed of experiencing over the last decade. Truthfully, the last couple of months were a conflicting and […]

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There are some things in life you just can’t explain or wrap your head around.  Like, medical miracles.  Or intuition protecting from you from harmful people or dangerous situations.  Relationships being restored.  Scattered bits of brokenness getting pieced back together.  Redeeming love healing or transforming human hearts.  Words that cloud a rational mind yet also […]

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You’ve lost all hope. You feel like life as you know it is over. You can’t imagine things ever getting better or returning back to “normal.” So much damage has been done. Too much pain caused. Too many words spewed and emotions dumped out. You feel empty inside with no energy or desire to push […]

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It was so far down. I had completely forgotten about it. Covered with emotion, progress, strength and perseverance. Aged by years, matured with time. Tucked away and safely hidden within my soul, it has been buried deep inside the pit of my heart for way too long. It. Not a treasure to be found nor […]

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I thought I had gotten over this. Really, I thought I did. Over the last 10+ years since surrendering my life to the cross, I have grown so much in my faith as well as in my relationship with Christ. I have been made new and have witnessed an internal transformation by the Holy Spirit, […]


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