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2024 is in full swing and I’m just now taking the time to reflect on the previous year as I set intentions for the present. Better late than never, amiright? 🙂 2023 was my year of seeking trust in the Lord and oh, did I need it! As I sat down to write Seeking Trust last January, I never could […]

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Hey, friend. It’s been a while since we last connected. At least, in an intimate or personal way. I know, it’s kinda awkward to attempt to pick up where we left off when so much time has passed and so much stuff has occurred in life, in the world…  I’ve alluded to some challenges I’ve faced earlier […]

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A new year is officially here and I’m welcoming it with open arms and an open heart ready to receive whatever God has in store! I look forward to starting a new year and reflecting on what was as I consider what may be. I see January 1st as an opportunity to intentionally set my sights Above while surrendering to […]

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Complacency and mediocrity. Two words that have no place in the vocabulary of a perfectionist.  Perfectionists, like myself, are strivers. We’re always working towards something bigger, better, stronger, more valuable, relevant, or higher achieving. We are not lazy people, but ambitious people, forgoing comfort or stillness to pursue busyness and productivity for the reward of […]

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Recently my family watched the movie, Armageddon. Gosh, that is such a great movie! (If you haven’t seen it, you need to – it’s included with Amazon Prime.) There are many takeaways from that movie and without spoiling too much, the main theme of the movie is making most of the present because tomorrow is not […]

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My Yes is on the Table: Moving from Fear to Faith  By Jennifer Hand Satan, the author of lies, uses fear as his guide to attempt to rewrite God’s plans and derail God’s purposes. Whether he keeps you busy, anxious, comfortable, or paralyzed, the enemy of all things good will do whatever it takes to […]


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