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Tiny Shoulders: Rethinking Barbie I was born in 1986 and spent the bulk of my adolescence as a young girl making the most of the 90s. Both the 80s and the 90s, in my opinion, are when pop culture was at its peak. Music, movies, toys, games, you name it – this era produced some […]

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“Is she a Christian? Because she’s one of those people where I just can’t tell,” my sister-in-Christ asked me. We were in the middle of what can best be described as a very authentic and unfiltered phone convo centered around our shared love for Jesus. It was a very honest and real question to inquire about […]

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Holy Guacamole: A Glorious Discovery of Your Undeniable Worth By Carrie Stephens “Who am I?” It’s a question most people have asked themselves at least once in their life. It’s a question made up of three small, simple words that weigh heavy on a person’s heart. It’s a question most people don’t know the answer […]

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It’s Never Too Late: Make the Next Act of Your Life the Best Act of Your Life By Kathie Lee Gifford I was an avid viewer of the TODAY show for years. It was the first thing I tuned into in the mornings and even pre-programmed my television [to my local NBC-affiliate] the night before […]


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