Anyone But Me: 10 Ways to Overcome Your Fear and Be Prepared to Share the Gospel

By Ray Comfort

2020 is a year that will go down in history.

Coronavirus pandemic. Racial injustice. Political unrest. Riots. Looting. Businesses destroyed and police vehicles up in flames. Casualties of all kinds.

Division widens each day as devastation continues to spread.

Hate is louder than love. The United States feels like it is slipping away with hope falling in the cracks, perhaps disappearing forever.

This is what the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave looks like if you turn on your television or scroll through social media, but to me, it looks like a time of opportunity. I am reminded that I was created specifically for this time and was placed in this generation for a reason. A purpose beyond anything I could ever imagine in an era unimaginable.

For someone whose hope is rooted in Jesus and not found in the world, fear and hate aren’t able to win when the cross has already conquered the grave. How easily that is forgotten when Christians push aside the fact that days, months and years of attending church and studying the bible have been preparing them “for a time such as this.”

It’s not time to sit down or back away. It’s time to stand up for what Christians know is right and true. It’s time to carry our cross and exercise the freedom we’ve received when death was defeated. Friends, it’s time to come together and rise!

Silence your reluctancy and be bold in faith – read Ray Comfort’s latest book, Anyone But Me: 10 Ways to Overcome Your Fear and Be Prepared to Share the Gospel. It is a book that could have been released at any time, in any year, and it would have been received as a good book for followers of Christ to read. Given the current circumstances America is facing, however, Anyone But Me is packed with content that can change lives and impact the world.

It doesn’t matter what side of the aisle you are on, humanity desires the same things – peace, love, hope, restoration. These are all obtained through the gospel, we just need to spread the message.

We have so many questions and the gospel is the answer. There is a better way to live this life – in anticipation of what is to come. When a person believes this world is all they have to experience, they live each day differently than someone who knows there is something better to come. The gospel changes behavior, mindsets and belief systems. It is a promise for the future and provides hope for the unknown.

For the person who follows Christ, this world is the most hell they will ever experience. For the person who follows the world, this world is the most heaven they will ever experience. If that doesn’t motivate Christians to be a light of hope and live a life of love then I don’t know what will.

Take the wisdom Comfort offers in Anyone But Me and learn how to apply 10 critical and biblical characteristics to overcome fear and confidently share the message of salvation. We never know how much time we have left on this planet. It’s time to make the most of our days and make heaven crowded.

Send us, Lord. Send us and give us the words to spread Your message and the capacity to love without condition or agenda.  

Teach us not to say, “anyone but me,” but rather, “why not me?”

Equip, guide and direct us.

You, Lord Jesus, are our Living Hope.

Thank You for creating us for a “time such as this.”


* I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review

**For my review of Ray Comfort’s book, Faith is for Weak People, click here!

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